Anime genres and tags

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These Historical anime are set in the 15th century.


These Historical anime are set in the 16th century.


These Historical anime are set in the 17th century.


These Historical anime are set in the 18th century.


These Historical anime take place in the 19th century.


Abstract works are generally intellectual in nature and rooted in imagination or philosophy, portraying a unique message or theme. As such, they don't necessarily focus on traditional narration, characterization, or development, presenting unique, unconventional or vivid visual styles instead.


These anime feature the acting industry. Protagonists are amateur or famous actors in TV, film or other media.


Action is about conflict. Whether with guns, blades, fists, or mysterious powers, these anime feature characters in combat - either to protect themselves or the things or people they value, or simply as a way of life.


These anime feature romantic or sexual relationships between two adults.


These anime explore the adult entertainment industry. Characters might be voice actors for an erogame, or work in the erotic film industry, or write hentai manga.


In these anime, characters embark on a journey to explore the world or to search for something. These wanderers travel to many places and meet new people, often encountering hardships along the way, or discovering strengths and weaknesses about themselves that are revealed throughout the adventure.


These anime predominantly or fully take place in Africa.


These anime focus on the afterlife. The anime might take place in Heaven or Hell, focus on purgatory and the judging of souls, or other topics that cover life after death.


These anime showcase a relationship where the characters are in two different age groups, based on societal norms. While not always the case, these characters sometimes must overcome challenges or societal stigma associated with the Age Gap.


Characters in these anime experience transformations that alter their age, be they through magical or other means.


These anime address issues that middle-aged and elderly people face. Common themes include dealing with declining health, losing a life-long spouse, or having a mid-life crisis. More upbeat topics can include enjoying retirement, learning to adjust to modern times, or becoming a parent later in life.


These anime explore the occupations, issues and lifestyles related to agriculture and farming. They frequently take place on a farm or in the countryside, and follow protagonists that learn or practice skills such as tilling the earth or taking care of barnyard animals.


Alcohol is the subject of these anime. The story might take place in a Bar, where beer, wine, or spirits are served to patrons. Characters in these anime might run a brewery, or are sommeliers, alcoholics, or simply enjoy the experience of drinking alcohol. These anime may offer step-by-step Recipes for how to make cocktails or alcoholic beverages.


These anime are heavily or loosely influenced by Lewis Carroll's 1865 publication Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, or its sequel Through the Looking-Glass. They range between true adaptations, alternate versions, parodies, or stories that take place in a new setting that heavily mimics or alludes to Alice's journey.


The universe is vast, and it's easy to imagine that there might be non-human life on distant worlds. Whether physically similar to mankind or vastly different, these works feature beings born on other worlds. Anime that take place on Earth might encounter unexpected visitors with unknown intentions; or on the homeworld of another culture, human beings are the Aliens.


Characters in these anime attend an all-boys school.


Characters in these anime attend an all-girls school.


These anime predominantly or fully take place in the United States of America.


Characters with amnesia have partial or full memory loss. These anime feature characters that suffer from amnesia due to an injury or trauma, an Illness, or a Supernatural occurrence.


These anime take place in an amusement park, whether it's functioning or abandoned.


These anime take place in China during ancient or imperial times, or are set in a world similar to ancient China. Some works may be influenced or inspired by famous Chinese novels such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" or "Journey to the West", Chinese mythology, or historical figures from Chinese history. Common themes involve the happenings within the imperial court, waging war and forging political alliances, dynastic politics, and palace intrigue. Ancient China is a common setting for Wuxia titles.


Androids are artificially-created beings that are made to look and act like humans - in advanced cases, they are indistinguishable. As machines, they are often shown as possessing stronger logic and reasoning than real humans; however, this logic can also limit them, as they can have difficulty processing emotional concepts or social relationships. These anime feature Androids in starring roles, either as main characters or as important elements of the plot or setting.


Androphobia is defined as an irrational fear of men. In these anime, characters with the disorder have extreme reactions to the men in their lives, from panicking to having an intense allergic reaction to anything in between.


Winged, haloed angels from heaven are the focus of these anime.


These anime show one or more instances of animal abuse: animals might be denied their basic physical needs, killed without need, or tortured for pleasure.


These anime feature human-like beings that possess animal characteristics, such as animal ears, tails, or other body parts not normally found on people. Catgirls are a common example.


These anime feature animal protagonists, be they household pets, dinosaurs or other real-world animals. The characters can appear in normal, anthropomorphic or occasionally fantastical forms, for example, the animals in Dogtato-kun are food-based representations of normal animals. Mythical creatures such as unicorns or centaurs are not included in this categorization.


These anime feature humans that transform into animals, or animals that transform into humans. They might use magic to alter their form, change against their will due to a Curse, or naturally have the ability to shape-shift. Werewolves are a common example of natural lycanthropes.


Anime Bancho is a YouTube channel that contains original content from CoMix Wave Inc, subtitled into multiple languages.


These anime explore anime from the industry or consumer side. Common themes include the creative and design process, sound design or voice acting, editing or meeting deadlines, distribution and marketing, or the culture of anime consumption.